You can have access to a yield analysis dashboard on every vstaking page

The global APY of each vToken on Bifrost is composed of:

Capture d’écran 2024-07-23 à 00.49.49.png

Capture d’écran 2024-07-23 à 00.47.46.png

  1. Click on the “Base % + Farm %” label

You can see the APY yield on different average range of time:

vDOT APY analysis

vDOT APY analysis

Base Yield formula:

x day APY = (vToken redeem price (current) / vToken redeem price (current - x days)) ^ (365/x) - 1

  1. On average, the vTokens APY is better than the network APY because Bifrost selects the collators/validators based on an automated scoring system using relevant attributes of the vToken PoS chain.

You can have more details about collators/validators by clicking on the “Validators” tab on each vstaking page

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