vETH characteristics

Prerequisites Open page, connect your Ethereum wallet and switch to Ethereum mainnet. You have ETH in your wallet with enough gas to pay for the Ethereum fees.

Stake ETH

  1. Click on vStaking in the main navigation menu, then click vETH to enter the vETH page

vStaking menu with all LSTs

vStaking menu with all LSTs

  1. Connect your Ethereum wallet and switch to Ethereum mainnet

Connect your wallet

Connect your wallet

  1. Enter the amount of ETH to be minted into vETH in the left panel (0.01 ETH is the minimum)

vETH staking page - Staking

vETH staking page - Staking

  1. Click on "Stake" button, confirm and sign the transaction. Once vETH are minted they are directly deposited in your wallet. You can add the token using the menu bar


Convert old vETH 1.0 into vETH 2.0