Capture d’écran 2024-09-08 à 12.12.28.png

How to add liquidity on Hydration DEX ?

1/ Cross-chain your assets to Hydration using the cross-chain menu on Hydration or Bifrost.

2/ Click on the “Liquidity” menu, then ”All pools” to display all the available Liquidity pools.

Capture d’écran 2024-09-08 à 18.33.33.png

3/ Click on the pool you want to add Liquidity, here we will take vDOT as example. You can repeat the same process for any assets: vASTR or BNC.

The vDOT pool has 3 farms current:

Capture d’écran 2024-09-08 à 18.34.46.png

4/ Click on “Add & Join Farms” to enter the Add Liquidity window.

We invite you to be aware of the mechanisms of the Hydration DEX: