How it works

Bifrost grants will be reviewed and awarded by the Bifrost grants committee. At the start of the program, the committee will be made up of the Bifrost core team members. As the protocol develops, the Bifrost core team will hand over some or all of the grant committee seats to the Liquid Staking Working Group.

The grants committee will prioritize reviewing of grants that are listed on the mission page followed by other submissions. Grant proposals will be evaluated based on 3 main factors:

  1. Alignment with the Bifrost vision
  2. Feasibility of the proposal
  3. Grant team's ability to execute the grant

Once submitted, a grant proposal will take up to two weeks to work its way through the review process to a go/no-go decision. If the Committee has questions or needs more information it will reach out to the applicant teams.

Projects selected by the Committee will then submit certain business and legal diligence materials and pass compliance checks in order to be selected and deemed eligible.

Selected grant teams will have mandatory monthly meetings with the Bifrost team to sync on grant progress and grant milestone roadmap. The Grant Committee has ensured the need of performance-based milestones within the grants, making projects and teams even more aligned with the overall goal of the initiative.

Upon grant completion the Bifrost committee and the team will schedule a meeting to discuss next steps.