You can easily estimate how many rewards you will receive over different periods of time.

  1. On any vstaking page, you can find the reward calculator in the “Holding income” section

Holding income section

Holding income section

  1. Click on the Calculator icon to display the vToken rewards calculator

For vDOT - Ex: 1000 DOT during 1 year

vDOT rewards calculator

vDOT rewards calculator

For vMANTA - Ex: 1000 DOT during 30 days

vMANTA rewards calculator

vMANTA rewards calculator

For vGLMR - Ex: 5000 GLMR during 5 years

vGLMR rewards calculator

vGLMR rewards calculator

Estimated rewards formulas:

1 Day Est. rewards = Input num * ( (1+APY) ^ (1/365) - 1)

7 Day Est. rewards = Input num * ( (1+APY) ^ (7/365) - 1)

30 Day Est. rewards = Input num * ( (1+APY) ^ (30/365) - 1)

1 Year Est. rewards = Input num * ( (1+APY) ^ (365/365) - 1)

5 Year Est. rewards = Input num * ( (1+APY) ^ (1825/365) - 1)