Download a wallet

Some excellent third-party wallets also support convenient management of assets on the Bifrost network, you can try the following plugins or wallets:

Capture d’écran 2024-07-18 à 23.33.55.png

Capture d’écran 2024-07-18 à 23.35.27.png

Capture d’écran 2024-07-18 à 23.36.59.png

Capture d’écran 2024-07-18 à 23.37.49.png

NB: We do not encourage users to use the old polkadot.js wallet.

Connecting to the dapp

  1. Click on "Select A User" the right bar on the top right of the dapp. If the name of your account is not loading, you are not connected to the dapp.


  1. Click on the wallet you want to connect